East and Wight Wight Climate Change Hustings (June 2024)
In the run up to the 2024 UK national elections, The Together for Mission Zero Community organised two climate change hustings over the month of June to hear views from all island electoral candidates on the implementation of the islands Mission Zero strategy and on their commitment to supporting and strengthening our UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status.
As an island, we have significant local power in areas such as housing building regulations, active transport policy, renewable energy consenting policy, local food use in schools and hospitals, and support for the island’s net zero 2040 strategy.

Our aim in organising the hustings was to move beyond national rhetoric on climate change and have an informative debate on our options for addressing the trilemma of sharing climate responsibility, improving the wellbeing of struggling residents, and dealing with increasing climate impacts on the Isle of Wight and beyond.
All electoral candidates were present for both East and Wight West Hustings. The Together for Mission Zero community congratulates Richard Quigley (Labour MP for West Wight) and Joe Robertson (Conservative MP for East Wight) on their wins and we look forward to working together on these critical agendas.

East Wight: 14/06, St Catherine’s Church, Ventnor
All electoral candidates present:
- Vix Lothian (Green Party)
- Joe Robertson (Conservative and Unionist party)
- Michael Lilley (Liberal Democrats)
- Sarah Morris (Reform UK)
- Emily Brother (Labour Party)
- David Groocock (Independent)

West Wight: 26/06, Isle of Wight College, Newport
All electoral candidates were present:
- Cameron Palin (Green Party)
- Richard Quigley (Labour)
- Bob Seeley (Conservative)
- Ian Pickering (Reform UK)
- Nick Stuart (Liberal Democrats)
- Rachel Thacker (Alliance for Democracy and Freedom)